Secure Your Airbnb/Hotel or Rental Property with Smart Door Locks

Secure Your Airbnb/Hotel or Rental Property with Smart Door Locks

Times have changed, and the locks with keys are undergoing a noteworthy change. Mechanical locks are less in use, and electronic smart devices are taking the world by storm because of their higher level of protection. Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the Leccy & Genesis smart locks are here to stay. It's time to replace the old ones and Secure Your Airbnb/Hotel or Rental Property with Smart Door Locks.



Intelligent lock systems:

Hotels and Airbnb are advancing and embracing the change from mechanical to innovative smart door locks. More and more hotels are accepting these intelligent lock systems. These locks add to the looks of the decor and increase the protection level manifold, providing the guests with an excellent and safe stay experience.



Best safety access:

The better the smart door lock software, the stronger the protection. Leccy & Genesis should be your only option because it offers a sophisticated and robust smart door lock range. These locks provide the best safety access solution and offer you complete control over entry and exit from afar. You can access the control over the smart door lock remotely!



Alternative ways of opening the door:

Can you imagine how convenient it is not to search for the keys to hand over to the guests? They don't need it. They can use the RFID card and make it to their room successfully. Furthermore, they can enter and exit with the smartphone app, and in case they face any trouble, you can check it out because you will know it beforehand.



Add ease and convenience to life:

Entries can be monitored, and you can even remotely manage the guests asking for access to the room with virtual keys. The exit and entrance are in your control, and this provides a fantastic experience to the guests and the host, too, especially when you have rental hosts for a short period. Tech-savvy locks can make life easy and more convenient.



Safety and security priority:

Mechanical keys can be copied, and duplicates can be made quickly. This can be a source of concern, and the security of the customers and the hotel may be threatened. The Airbnb or hotel can lose its reputation, though safety can be increased paramount with the smart door locks by Leccy & Genesis. Please choose their best door lock and make a mark with the competitors. You can show your customer that his safety and security are your priority.



Fingerprint sensor:

There are chances that the Guests might lose or misplace their room keys, which can be a source of annoyance for the staff. Kids can be careless with the keys, and mishappening can happen. Keys may be lost in some cases. Getting new keys made is a costly affair and not an easy task.
But with the fingerprint sensor on the smart door lock, you don't have to worry! The door opens in seconds, and you don't have to call anyone to do it for you.

The owner can change the password, fingerprint, or numeric code when the Airbnb or the hotel room is vacated. The room can be rented again with a new passcode and fingerprint sensor. It's that easy! Leccy & Genesis makes life comfortable for you. Get a smart door lock for your Airbnb now!





No hands-on staff needed to carry keys always:

The staff doesn't have to be always available to replace key cards because the sensors and numeric codes can help here. The employee energy can be used for more efficient jobs in the hotel or Airbnb. If the old ones have been misplaced, the keyless door spares the hotelier from looking for locksmiths to make new door keys. Your staff will smile at the convenience.



Add value to the property:

People often tend to gravitate towards expensive and plush things. A smart door lock will accentuate the value of your property and add a luxurious feel to your Airbnb or hotel room. A smart door lock adds panache and style to your property, making it look more attractive! To make a great impression on your client, get a smart door lock and improve the brand's standing.



Increase security and protection:

Increased security is the demand for customers traveling to different places for a vacation. Smart lock manufacturers offer smart door locks to add protection to our lives. Leccy & Genesis understand the need for safe holidays and increase their locks' security. This helps improve the reputation of the hotels and Airbnb. Now, you no longer have to search your bags for the keys; press your finger on the sensor board or type in the code. The fingerprint and code will be recognized instantly, and voilà! The door opens for you!



Smart alerts:

Smart alerts accompany smart door locks; thus, if anyone enters the room and tries to steal something, you will be forewarned. Smart door locks are intelligent and protect the room from vandalism and unfortunate incidents like fire hazards, thefts, or robberies.

The choice of the intelligent door lock has to be made very sensibly and needs careful consideration. Different models are available, and the property owner needs to pick the one that best suits his needs. The other models have various capacities and appearances, so choose carefully. Leccy & Genesis offers an exciting range, and you can get a great discount if you pick the one that suits your particular needs.

Akshay Sharma

Innovative and efficient, smart home automation is revolutionizing the way we live. With a keen interest in enhancing lives through automation, Akshay Sharma explores the latest trends, benefits, and advancements in smart home systems. Join the journey of transforming ordinary houses into intelligent, connected homes of the future.